Special Spring 2024 Hammond Organ Service $399.00
Special Spring 2024 Hammond Organ Service $399.00
Embrace the creative process while keeping budget under control. Achieve exactly what you want every time - Pro-Audio - Lighting - Video Equipment - LED Video Walls - and yes we still service the Hammond organ as always.
HammondTec LLC serves a large, diversified community of Hammond organ/Leslie speaker owners. Our clients include professional studio musicians, major touring acts, recording studios, churches, and the home hobbyist/enthusiast. We're most proud of our attention to our client needs and strive to put those before our own. We rent and sell Hammond, Leslie, Trek II, Neo Ventilator, Eminence, Electro-Harmonix, and other products.
We know the Hammond organ Hundreds of solid references on request. *Previously American Sound Design* "There is no organ that cannot be brought back to life"